Friday, April 30, 2021

Muzzle nuzzle!

When I see them like this, I can't help but add the mental sound effect of Simon blowing raspberries on top of River's head.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Gimme treats!!!

Yes, the social contract must be maintained!  If I have to give medicine or help clean yuck from their fur/nails, both bunnies get a treat (usually a sprig of mint or lemon balm).

River had just had some ear drops for an ear infection, but she's doing better now. 

Elder bunny care tip:  A folded towel placed over an open cage door and snugly tucked in at the sides can serve as a ramp if your bun's balance is a bit wobbly.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday's here!

It's snuggle time!

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Extra security.

River has taken it upon herself to act as Mr. Giraffe's body guard/bouncer.  There won't be any more hit and buns on her watch!  Judging by the look she's giving him, Simon has been put on notice.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021


The moment Simon realized that he had side-swiped Mr. Giraffe, he knew that River's retribution would be swift and terrible.

Friday, April 16, 2021


Simon gets the kisses today!

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Good times!

After making a show of opening the bathroom door by himself, Simon became fascinated by the bendy part at the back of the toilet.  He's a strange little bun sometimes!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A few minutes later...

Hellooooo Mr. Giraffe!

Yeah, that's healthy.  The little dude went and made it weird by spending an inordinate amount of time chinning his bestest friend in the whole wide world in an effort to remove all traces of River's previous 'hello'.

No worries--I ended up rescuing Mr. Giraffe from his rabbit fan-club!

Monday, April 12, 2021

So close!

River:  Don't worry, Simon--You can be the first to say hello to Mr. Giraffe after me!

Simon:  ...This is how supervillains are created.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Little human sick day.

 Sorry guys.  Little human feels like 🐇💩 a little quicker than she expected after getting her 💉.  Well, at least we know it's working, so that's good! 😅  I'll take a couple days of being under the weather to COVID any day of the week.

Have a great weekend and stay safe out there!  I'll try to have a post for you on Monday.

Have you tried not making bad decisions?

River:  I see toys back there.  I think I can jump it!

Simon:  Noooo!  It's not worth it!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spud on the run!

Sometimes I get the urge to pick up and snuggle this fluffy little sweet potato bun.

I resist the grabby hands because I know Simon hates being picked up, so I just content myself with giving noogies and tummy rubs instead.

[sigh] The struggle is real! 😉 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Friday, April 2, 2021

Bunny Sugar Cookies!


With Easter coming up, I thought I'd share another alternative to giving a bunny as an Easter gift--give bunny sugar cookies instead!
Here's my recipe for soft sugar cookies and stackable sugar cookie icing:

Soft Sugar Cookies

4C (480 g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
2 sticks (8 oz) unsalted butter, softened
1 ½ C (298 g) sugar
1 large egg
2 tsp vanilla extract
½ C (120 g) sour cream

Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.  Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth.  Beat in the egg, vanilla and sour cream until well blended.
Gradually stir in the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
Divide the dough in half and wrap tightly with plastic wrap and let chill at least 1 hour.
Pre-heat oven to 350F.
The cookie dough should be the consistency of play-doh before you roll it out onto a lightly floured surface. 
Roll the dough out to ~1/8-1/4 inch thickness and cut out the shapes.  Make sure the dough is cool for the best shapes.
Place cookies at least 2 inches apart (figure 6-8 large cookies) on a parchment paper covered baking sheet.  Bake 5-10 minutes (longer for light colored baking sheets) or until the tops of the cookies look dry.  Let cool for a few seconds prior to removing them from the baking sheet.
Let cool completely before decorating.
                                                Yield: ~3 dozen large cookies
Stackable Sugar Cookie Icing

3 C (374 g) confectioners’ sugar, sifted
2 Tbsp milk (add extra by ½ tsp increments to reach desired honey-like consistency)
2 Tbsp light corn syrup (no more or it won’t set up)
1 Tbsp (clear for best color) vanilla extract
paste food coloring

Combine all of the wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl and gradually whisk in the confectioners’ sugar until smooth and glossy.
Cover any icing you aren’t going to use immediately with plastic wrap or spoon colored icing into Ziploc baggies to use as piping bags for later.  This icing forms a skin easily and will need to be mixed often otherwise.
Allow to dry for at least 2 hours before trying to stack them—drying time depends on the thickness of the icing layer and your humidity that day.

Yield:  Should be enough to cover the 3 dozen cookies in the prior recipe. 

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Sunday with a special holiday post.