When one of Amos and Naomi's adventures doesn't end how they wanted it to, they rest and regroup. Blaming one another doesn't change what happened and doesn't help improve their current position; it just wastes time that could better be used elsewhere.
Bunnies keep themselves safe during their adventures by getting to know their surroundings and always knowing where they can seek shelter and hide from predators. Some, like Amos, are better at camouflaging themselves to fit into their surroundings than others (like Naomi). Naomi relies on her quick-thinking and speed to go to where the danger isn't.
Having their yearly check-up, their spay/neuter, and all their vaccines up to date will definitely help keep them feeling their best for more adventures!
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend! Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.