
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to the Vet we go...

Today is the day of the spay and neuter for these not so little ones!  They know something is up and by the sounds of the digging and thumping, they aren't happy about it in the slightest.  They were lured into the travel cages with breakfast and they just now realized they've been duped.  Tough love--it's for their own good.  At least afterwards Simon will no longer be in bunny jail (for the crime of doing some not so brotherly things to River's head) and River won't have to be in protective custody!  They can happily share the same living quarters once they're healed.

My husband asked if they'd come home with those cone-of-shame things around their heads and if so, told me that I'd need to take a picture of it because it would be hilarious.  I'll keep you posted on their progress and cone-bearing status.

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