
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hot cross buns.

We did not have a great weekend.  Our power went out not too long after Friday's post and didn't come back up until late Sunday afternoon.  Needless to say, Simon and River didn't appreciate 100F (37.8C) temperatures and high humidity for two days straight.  Oh yeah, we also discovered that ice and hotel rooms are amazingly hard to come by when the local power company tells its 380,000 customers without power that it would be a few days to a week before their power is back.  Here's a photographic and cinematic look at how we spent our weekend.
Here's a pic my husband took of a tree outside of our apartment complex that was struck by lightening.  This is the closest any of us have come to Zeus' wrath (and we're perfectly fine with that).
Here's River getting cozy with her personal air conditioner.  She wonders how we've forgotten how to make the air nice and cool like it usually is.
Here's Simon wondering the same, but waiting patiently until we remember again.
Here's a video I took while attempting to cool the bunnies down with one of those hand-held battery operated fans that UPS gave away as some type of marketing thing.  "What can Brown do for you?" is the slogan that appears in lights as it's operating.  I think the consensus of all involved is to give us our air conditioning back.  No such luck, sadly.  We also discovered that Simon is not a fan of candle light because it makes the shadows all scary.
When morning came and felt just as hot and humid as the evening prior, we decided to pack up the bunnies in the car to use the air conditioning to help cool them down.  This is the first time since their ill-fated trip to the vet that they've had to be in the travel cages.  I was amazed that a tap on the rim on the cage or saying "in" was all it took to get them both in.
River kind of ate the flash on this one.  Oops!  She looks like she's asking, "I don't have anything else the Vet wants, do I?!"
Sadly, we couldn't stay in the car forever.  We took out the bedding and just gave them both towels to help them be cooler in their cages.
Yep, everyone was very glad that the hard-working repair crews managed to get the power back up when they did and that we didn't have to wait until July 6 at 11pm like they had initially estimated.

My heart goes out to anyone still without power in this heat and humidity.  Hailing from the Midwest, we definitely saw our share of weather like this, but it never hung around for more than a week at best.  The local motto was, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes."  Where we grew up, if there were sunny and cloudless skies as you parked your car and went into the store, it'd be a downpour as you walked out--to this day, people here give us weird looks because we always roll up the windows on a perfectly fine day as we exit the car.  I readily admit to being a baby when it comes to hot and humid weather!  I tip my hat to those of you who live in the deep South who consider this normal.


  1. great post, glad you were able to keep your bunnies cool enough to make it through the hot weather!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. We were worried about them being too warm and stressing them out in such a short time after their surgeries, but they're resilient little bunnies! After this, we'll be better prepared for any future black-outs.
