
Monday, July 9, 2012

How can they sleep like that?!

Don't let the open eye fool you-River is sleeping hard right now.  I have no idea how she can fall asleep laying half-in and half-out of her litter box like that.  You'd think that no support on the front end would cause her to tip forward and face-plant into her paper towel roll.  The edge of the litter box has got to be digging into her ribs and I have absolutely no idea where her other front paw is.
Not to be outdone, we have Simon sleeping on his food dish and sprawled over the side of his litter box.  He has already finished what was in the bowl and I've never taken a dish of food away from him, so there's no need to guard it by sleeping on it.  I did get a chuckle out of the one paw dangling over the litter box, though it does look as if he's about to roll over onto his back given how unstable that position is.  I had to rouse him shortly after this was taken because I didn't want a repeat of the involuntary trancing experience like what River did to herself.

I can only assume that this evening's play time was particularly strenuous so they both needed a power nap afterward.  I think they see it as a challenge to find all of the different places and positions they can nap in because it isn't as if they don't have the entire rest of their cages to comfortably flop down in.  Bunnies are mysterious little creatures!

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