
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Simon and River watch TV.

I snapped this pic of River watching TV the other day.  She was so engrossed in the flashing colors that she kept leaning back as time went on until she tipped herself over backwards.  At least she landed on something soft.  She worries us sometimes when she does stuff like that.  Earlier this week, she was inspecting the top of her cage while sitting on her hind legs and looked up and back a bit too far and tipped over backwards into the side wall of her cage, which was good that she didn't fall, but bad in that she unintentionally tranced herself (she froze in the position she tipped backwards in complete with her little feet sticking out in front of her).  Simon was watching her at the time and just looked over to me with his little mouth hanging open and eyes wide as if to say, "Why isn't she moving?!  We can do that?!  Help my sister!"  I was on my way over to the cage when gravity took over and she slid to the side enough to rouse herself from her statue-like state.  I can only imagine that doing that must be a very trippy experience for a bunny because she just sat there and had a 'whoa!' look on her face (similar to Ted getting his mind blown in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure).  She was back to bouncing around and cleaning a few seconds later--no harm, no foul. 
We're less worried about Simon because he tends to keep all four feet firmly planted--even while watching TV.  After watching his sister become a living statue, he's a bit less willing to stand on his hind legs now.  Poor little guy was more traumatized than his sister after that experience!

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