
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Simon and River's baby pics!

I decided that for my 100th post I would show you all what our little munchkins looked like when we first brought them home!
Here is Simon trying to protect River from the scary new humans by blocking the door to the travel cage.
Poor Simon's efforts were futile because his little sister decided to crawl over him to explore their new home.  River is looking into the travel cage wondering why her big brother won't come out to explore too.  After a good 45 minutes, Simon was showing absolutely no desire to come out of the travel cage so I had to gently coax him out (read:  I had to scoop him up and pull him out of the travel cage).  After that somewhat traumatic experience (for both of us), he was fine and started exploring immediately.
Simon is making sure that the toy dump truck doesn't belong to another bunny before he starts playing with it.
River is already trying to find some sort of mischief to get into and she hasn't even been in her new home for an hour yet.
After a round of vigorous exploring, running around and binkying, Simon is tuckered out.  Guess their new home isn't so bad after all!
I still can't believe how tiny River was when we brought them home.  She's almost the same size as the baby keys!

Here's a fairly long video of Simon and River's antics right after we brought them home.  The take-away from their first day was that once they're comfortable outside of the travel cage, they both move amazingly fast (compared to our old girl Penny, who was a content little couch potato).  Enjoy!


  1. What cuties! I definitely want a lop the next time I venture into the world of getting another bunny

    1. Thanks! Holland lops are a trip to watch because of how expressive they can be with their ears (and they crack me up watching them flap like wings as they run). :)
