
Monday, September 3, 2012

Bunnies' first road trip--Part 1

I believe that the bunnies have noticed that something strange is afoot.  Ooh!  Pellets and oats!  River actually attempted to do a vertical leap onto the top cage.  Thankfully, she didn't gain purchase because that would've made a mess.  She was quickly shooed away to play with their other toys.
These are new!  Let's climb on them!  Yeah, apparently our luggage is now deemed their other toys.
Hmm...the female human is cleaning the cages wrong--she isn't placing litter in the litter box or hay in the cage.  What is this madness?!  River is attempting to stop me from cleaning Simon's cage while Simon is refusing to let me access his litter box by performing a sit-in protest.
A distraction was needed and supplied by Ben (who was finishing up some laundry) in the form of dropping a shirt onto River once I'd coaxed them both out of Simon's cage.  I think Simon is waiting patiently for his own new toy, but sadly Ben had run out of shirts.
Well, that ate up all of 30 seconds.  River has just proven herself smarter than some dogs I've known.  Simon looks like he's saying, "My turn!"  At least the shirt distraction allowed me to finish cleaning the cages out.

I'm pleased to say that River went right into her travel cage with no fuss (she followed my hand signal).  I think Simon was salty about the whole shirt thing and decided to make me chase him before I scooped him up and set him in front of his travel cage (he sulkily followed the hand signal after that and immediately did a dramatic flop with his butt facing me).  Good to know where I stand, I guess.  Now they're ready for their first road trip!

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