
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bunnies' first road trip--Part 4

Simon is helping Ben clean River's cage while River oversees their progress.
Wait a minute!  These weren't out the last time they cleaned our cages.  Hey--what are you doing with that water bottle?!
He's not supposed to take the top off the cage!  River, tell him he's not supposed to do that.
River is standing her ground and performing a sit-in to protest the willful dismantling of her cage.  Simon decided to knock over the roll of paper towels to show his support for her cause.
Having been forcefully evicted from her cage, River appeals to a higher power--Grandma.  It's clear that the bunnies have decided that Grandma and Grandpa's house has way cooler toys than the ones at home.  I mean, come on--they have a crate to play in!  After this pic was taken, it took us a while to wrangle them into their travel cages, but with oats, all things are possible.
This is the mess that greeted us upon our arrival at home.  River looks extremely pleased with herself and seems to be saying, "Why yes, I did pee on my towel.  Thanks for noticing!"  Meanwhile, Simon is giving River an "I wouldn't have done that if I were you" look.

Once Simon  was content about the progress being made on his cage, he gave in to exhaustion and flopped down beside/on top of River.
I think the bunnies are glad to be home and won't have another long car trip for a while.

There ended Simon and River's first road trip and adventures in Ohio!  I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday!

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