
Monday, November 12, 2012

Hop on top.

This is how River gets onto the couch.  I wondered how she always ended up in a sitting position right after hopping up...mystery solved!  Impressive amount of air between her and the couch cushion--good thing she has her ears out to help slow the landing.  It kind of looks like she's levitating.  If pics had sound effects, you'd be hearing, "sproing!"


  1. Hi,
    Your River looks so much like my Bun. They could practically be siblings.

    1. Aww! You'll have to give Bun a noogie for us. :)

    2. Will do =) Love reading bout all the bunny antics...keep up the great work. Would love to hear more about bunny care + tips on things that has worked for you and your buns. Thanks!

    3. Thanks! I'll try to work some bunny care/behavior tips into my reports of their antics when I can come up with something that works (I have a high failure rate, but no lack of imagination). Granted, I'm no expert by any means and most of what I've learned has been from trial and error or from other bunny caretakers. I'll give it a shot, though! :)
