
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ewww River!

Told you I could touch my nose with my tongue!
River hasn't quite learned that just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should.  Even Simon looks grossed out.
This started out as a cute pic of Simon resting his head on top of River's while they both looked out the bunny condo door.  It devolved rapidly into this within the split second it took me to press the button on my camera.  Oh well, I did get a chuckle out of it so I thought I'd post it anyway.
On that note, hope you all have a great weekend and we'll be back on Monday!


  1. Firefly fan? I have a mini lop named River too! Your bunnies are adorable!

    1. Sorry for the late reply below, I didn't see your comment until today!

  2. Firefly fan? I have a mini lop named River too! Your bunnies are adorable!

    1. Yep! Aww, is her personality like the character too? Thank you. :)

  3. Hi Courtney,
    I was wondering with 2 bunnies how do you handle all the fur? Even though I brush Bun 2- 3 times a week he still is shedding a lot within the last month or so.

    1. Hi tn,
      I have to brush them both at least once a day while they're going through a heavy shed. I swear that I must've filled a plastic sandwich bag full of bunny fur off the slicker brush I use over the course of a few days.

      I've found that it sometimes helps to dampen my hands with a moist washcloth and just pet the shedding fur off of them if they keep moving away from the brush, then just rub my hands together to form bunny dredlocks to get it off my hands (also keeps it from floating off into the air and getting everywhere).

      I also keep those little sticky tape rollers to get bunny fur off of the furniture and clothing.

      Also, lots and lots of timothy hay so they don't have tummy issues from ingesting any fur I've missed while they're cleaning.

    2. Thank you so much for that info. I was worried with all the fly away hairs that Bun was producing. But I'll definitely up my brushing routine with him + trying dampening my hands.

    3. Glad I could help! :)
      Definitely keep a plastic sandwich bag handy to put the bunny fluff into--it's amazing how much bunny hair can just go airborne by brushing/petting them during a heavy shed. At least then you have it contained and can toss it in the trash bin when it's full.
