
Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 lbs of bunny in a 5 lb box.

River was relaxing in the Pepsi box when Simon decided to join her.
I think two might be a crowd judging by the bulging sides of the box.  One of these days, I have a feeling that I'm going to have to rip the box apart like using 'the jaws of life' to extricate these two.  Until then, overstuffed bunny cuteness will prevail.
Have a great weekend and we'll be back on Monday!


  1. Too cute!!! You seem to always be there at the right moment. I missed a lot of picture worthy moments with my bunnies because I didn't have my camera/cell phone handy.

    1. Thanks! I've found that wearing hoodies in the colder months is really helpful because I can stash our camera in the pocket for easy access. That, and it keeps the bunny fur off of my nicer clothes when I have to rescue Simon from being on the couch (poor little guy is too afraid to hop down on his own). :)

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh >.< so cute :) they look so comfortable

    1. Thanks! That box is one of their favorite places to flop in. :)
