
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Little Miss Manners.

River doesn't always look before she leaps.  This time, she landed on poor unsuspecting Simon.

Well, at least she remembered her manners and apologized immediately.  Simon still looks stunned.


  1. ADORABLE! I ran into this via reddit, and cannot stop looking at the photos. Are you able to pick either one of them up? (just curous) I have a little lion-head dwarf, and am contemplating getting her a hus-bun. :)

    1. Thanks! That's cool that others like my blog enough to share it on reddit. :)

      Yes, I can pick both Simon and River up. River is better about it than Simon, but I usually only pick them up long enough to scoop them off of the couch and place them in my lap so they can hop down to the floor. Simon will sometimes struggle especially when he disagrees about "couch time" being over.

      If you're interested in how I pick them up: I say "Scoop!" and pat my chest along with the command--the latter bit is for River's sake (since she's deaf) and make sure to tell them "Good boy! Simon Scoop!" or just give a noogie in River's case to have some positive reinforcement.

      If I feel that they need a bit of re-training (if I find that they're fighting me more than usual or run from me when I give the pick up command), I'll take them into the hallway one at a time and block the end leading into the living room and do a series of 3-5 bunny scoops and set them in my lap, give a noogie/praise then oats (I make sure that they don't feel like they're being held on my lap so they're free to hop down anytime). Just make sure to wear long sleeves and jeans/something that completely covers your legs so you don't get scratched. It's all about consistency and making sure they know that being picked up is okay and that they aren't in trouble and that being picked up won't hurt them. I need to work with them more on being picked up and actually carried for a bit before being set down. Hope that helps if you need to get your bun used to it, if your bun is cool with being picked up, please ignore! :)

      Awww! It sounds like you're a good bunny caretaker. :) The only advice I can give on getting a second bun is to just keep in mind your girl's personality and make sure you have the funds to cover a second bun (especially housing if the bonding is rough and vet expenses if you need to get the second bun neutered). You can check your local shelter to do a bunny version of "speed dating" to find a compatible bun or go to for bonding and shelter info (they're a great site for all things rabbit related). You'll have to let me know if you get your girl a hubby!

  2. Thanks for this (just saw it). :) My little one *hates* being picked up, but loves snuggles/pets etc. I'm still working on "picking her" up, where I simply lift up her front end, her back legs still on the ground. I think since she's super small, its harder to have a grip on her. But she's still uber-affectionate and loving. Yes, I think I'll go back to the same shelter I got her from, once I start along the lines of bunny-bonding/speed-dating, etc. The shelter is really awesome, and they'll help find a good match for my little one.

    1. You're welcome! I've also done the front end pick up--it helps to have some oats or a small treat for them to eat while their front paws are in your hand to keep them still and to associate positive things from being picked up/partially picked up. Simon is still a bit tentative with it, but I think it's because he's got a ticklish belly.

      Good luck on the bunny bonding and speed dating when the time comes!
