
Thursday, March 21, 2013

The bunnies discover a tunnel.

It's a new toy!!!  Unfortunately, they both can't fit into the oat container-turned-tunnel at the same time.
Our resident self-appointed "alpha bun" decided to go through the tunnel first only to find that it kept moving on her.  She chased it around for a good while before becoming frustrated with it.  I think Simon was laughing at her the whole time...
Because he had no trouble navigating the tunnel.  Here our little "beta bun" is schooling River on the correct way to walk on a curved surface.  She kinda has a look that says, "I totally knew that--I was just testing you!"  Ah well, they both seemed to enjoy their new toy.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.

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