
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just stop now before you hurt yourselves.

Simon and River are determined to get behind the box blockade I created.  Simon made an ill-fated attempt at climbing onto the box and summarily fell off the side of it after only managing to pull half of himself up.  Here he is on his tippy-tippy toes like a bunny version of a ballerina.
River managed to get herself stuck in the oat container (well, more like she couldn't move forward due to the kleenex box blocking her path and couldn't move backward due to another big box).  I have no idea how she thought this would allow her access behind the boxes or how she managed to wedge herself into that position in the first place.
This also spawned a nightmare with thumping at 2, 3, and 4am.  She has quite an active imagination because she's honestly the first rabbit we've ever had that has gotten nightmares.
Not to be deterred, River is furiously pondering the box blockade dilemma.  I ended up herding her away to go play with something else before she got into more trouble.
On the note of following your dreams, we hope you have a great weekend and we'll be back on Monday!

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