
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bunny on your back.

River is boldly going where no bunny has gone before.  I think she's contemplating how best to scale my husband's shoulders to perch on top of his head.  This is one little bunny that loves to climb!
Here she is trying to convince Simon to join her since there's plenty of room and the view is spectacular.  Simon respectfully declined saying that he didn't feel particularly adventurous that day.  He was content to nose-bonk my husband's knee and hop off to play in their bunny condo. 
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday!


  1. Hi,
    Bun and I will be moving within the week. I was wondering if you have any tips on making the move less stressful for him.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi TN,

      If at all possible, I'd suggest trying to keep the basic room layout similar to what Bun is used to.

      Do you have to travel a long distance to your new home? If so, I'd try to get him used to being in the car without it ending in a vet visit. Try short trips around the block a few times followed by some treats to let him know that not all car trips are bad. Also, have hay and water available in his travel cage and make sure to talk to him every once in a while while you're driving to assure him that you're there. I'd place a favorite toy or two in his travel cage if you have room as well as a towel under it to protect your car seats. If you're traveling a long distance in hot weather, you may want to include a frozen water bottle to help keep him cool or use a sun visor or something of that sort on the window of the car so your bun isn't in direct sun on your trip.

      Bun will know something is up when he sees you packing things up in boxes. We moved a few times (even out of state a couple of times--once 6 hours and another 12 hour trip) with our last bunny, Penny. She was really laid-back and would even play with toys in her travel cage while we were driving. It depends on Bun's personality as to how best to prepare him for the move (if you even really need to). Without knowing your little guy, I'd suggest trying to keep to as normal a routine as you can for feeding him and allowing him to get some exercise before your trip if it'll be a long one or as soon as you get all your boxes into your new home, have gotten a meal in you and can clear a safe space to let him roam in (if all else fails, toss down some towels on your bathroom floor and let him hop around with the door closed so he can't get into mischief).

      Moving is tough, but bunnies are pretty adaptable and once you establish a new "normal" they'll start acting like their old selves. Definitely try to keep their cage/enclosure set-up as close as what he's used to as possible (position of litter box especially).

      Hope this helps some!

    2. Hi Courtney,
      I've been very conscientious not to disrupt Bun's daily routine up until the move however, I get the sense he knows somethings going on. He seems a tad bit more skittish than his normal self, which worries me. =(

      Even though its only a 30 minute drive I'll definitely exercise him that morning prior to the move. Hopefully Bun will be laid back just like your Penny was.

      Thank you for all your tips! We'll let you know how everything goes.

      Thank you for all your tips!

    3. Aww, poor little guy is probably picking up on the stress you're going through getting everything all packed up and the utilities and services switched over. Also, seeing the house in "disarray" with boxes and stuff not in its proper place really messes with bunnies. They really are creatures of habit and if you mess with their mental map of how the house should look, they'll act all sorts of skittish.

      You're welcome and I hope what little advice I could offer helps some. Good luck on your move! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and you can get situated soon. I'd love to hear how everything went once you get the chance to do so! :)
