
Thursday, July 18, 2013

The bunnies' home is their castle.

Here's the first iteration of what would soon become a bunny version of the Winchester Mansion.  River is inspecting the incomplete second floor.
Yep, this is definitely going to be a fixer-upper.  The ramp to the second floor is going to need some work.
It needs more windows to let the light in and we'd like locks on these doors.  Other than that, I think you can make this work for us.
Simon and River are embarrassed to be seen at this point.  They cannot believe that I had the audacity to use duct tape on their precious mansion.  This is what happens when construction is done by the lowest bidder.
We'll accept your bribe of oats for now, but you're going to have to make this building up to code.
I should note here that duct tape really does suck when applied to cardboard--it started peeling off within the hour.  In my defense, I only used it because we ran out of packing tape.  Thus ended the second iteration of the Winchester bunny mansion.
Third time's a charm!  I finally got it right!
Simon is admiring the construction of the ramp and the awesome little niche under it.
Plenty of space to enjoy individual pursuits.
Honorary keys to the castle.  River is uncertain as to where she's supposed to stick them.
 Lots of openings to run through!
Simon and River inspected and approved!  Now it's time to relax.
On that note, thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.


  1. Love the mansion, very creative!

    1. Thanks! I just used the boxes Simon and River's hay and bedding are shipped in along with some packing tape and an X-Acto knife. Waste not, want not, eh? :)
