
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Because it's there--part 2.

The following day found Simon once again on the second floor.  No one has ever accused him of being a quick learner.  Here he is pondering his predicament.  True to my word, I wasn't going to help him down the stairs this time.
River, being the resident stair master, took it upon herself to show Simon how to descend the stairs.  I can imagine the conversation going like this:
River:  Okay, you have to hop down like this...are you paying attention?
Simon:  [Caught trying to "nope" back up the stairs.]  Uh...yeah!
See?  It's easy!  You can do this!
Don't be scared!
She gave him bunny kisses as encouragement.
You're doing it wrong.  You're not supposed to slide down the step on your belly--and keep your back legs together!
Simon successfully made it to the landing!  Now, I think River is wondering if she needs to show me how to go down the stairs as well.
River hopped ahead of Simon, so he's on his own.  He has this look that says, "Okay, how do I do this again?"
I think he's got it!  River is a good little teacher.
Now that he's confident going down the stairs, Simon has taken to pacing me step for step similar to a dog heeling its master.  This made me chuckle the first time he did it.  River is starting to do it as well.
This comes in handy when I want them to follow me downstairs--at most, I'll have to tap my leg and they'll start following me.

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