
Monday, August 19, 2013

How we spent last Friday night...

If you saw this pic and thought that this doesn't look like our living room, you'd be correct.  It's actually part of our master bedroom and walk-in closet cleverly turned into a bunny containment area.  "Why?" you ask.  Good question...
This turned into our last refuge for fresh air after I inadvertently fumigated the rest of our apartment using oven cleaner in our kitchen.  "How did that happen?" you ask.  Do I have a story for you...
Now, it's not as if I've never used oven cleaner before: 
Gloves?  Check!
All windows open?  Double check!!
Fans running?  Check.
It was just that the oven cleaner I used was always the foaming variety.  This can was not that type, so it was a tad bit harder to see where I had already sprayed the stuff.
A word to the wise:  If you ever find yourself wondering if you've already sprayed a part of your oven with the oven cleaner or think that maybe you should hit that spot again, just to be sure...
If you have to ask this question, the answer is always, "NO!!!"
After a couple of minutes of spraying oven cleaner in every nook and cranny of the oven, I came to quickly realize that no amount of ventilation (or fans) would've been sufficient to remain in the kitchen or surrounding area. 
I just managed to tell my husband (who was standing by looking extremely concerned for my well-being), "Move," [wheeze] "Bunnies!" [cough, wheeze, gag]
And so the bunnies went on a field trip into our bedroom...
My husband heroically finished cleaning the oven while I bunnysat. 
When he was done, he poked his head into the room and said, "You used too much oven cleaner."
I wheezed back, "What remains of my lungs agrees."
If you look closely, you will find the can of concentrated (but effective) evil sitting on the stove.  Oh, the things we do to get our full security deposit back!
Now that is one clean stove!

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