
Thursday, August 15, 2013

The great book theft of 2013.

Hey, where did our books go?!
Hmmm, no books up there.
Surely they wouldn't have taken all of our books, right?  Maybe there are some left on a different shelf.
Simon, there aren't any books over there and I'm not tall enough to see onto the second shelf!
Well, there aren't any books but I do see a dust bunny in the corner.
I should have guessed what was going to happen next once I saw this look on her face.
In my defense, all I saw was a blur of movement as I took this pic.  Apparently, River wasn't content to take Simon's word for it that the books were indeed gone.  She discovered something else instead--namely, that you can't "stick the landing" on a slick surface.  She just slid off the bookshelf backwards...
She was so startled from falling off of the bookshelf that she bolted to the top floor of their bunny mansion.  Here I am checking for injuries while feeding her oats.  Thankfully, no harm done!
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday with more bunny adventures.

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