
Monday, September 2, 2013

Bunny smile!

Simon looks very pleased with himself for figuring out how to thwart the butter box hay dispenser and redistribute the hay about his cage.  He also gets a pretty sweet pillow out of the deal.


  1. He looks SO ADORABLE! What a bundle of fluffy cuteness.

    1. Aww, thank you! :)

      I think he knows when he does something he isn't supposed to (because it's really fun). When he notices I'm moving towards him to scold him, he'll immediately do something silly/cute like this so he won't get in trouble. Usually he'll either do a binky or a dramatic lop flop almost to the point he's on his back and will drop his head back to look directly at me-ears completely propellered out on the floor and looking supremely goofy. It's really hard to sound serious mid-laugh.
