
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bunnies: Nature's clowns.

Music:  "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph
After watching some of Simon and River's antics, I just had to make a video to this music.  Hope you like it!
On that note, we hope you have a great weekend and we'll be back on Monday!


  1. OMG so cute and hilarious! Bunnies are so entertaining, loved it when river did a little pencil roll on the towel! Thanks for sharing

    1. Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
      I'm amazed I caught River rolling over on camera and knew that I had to put that to this music because it was too perfect no to. :)

  2. Simon's binky/flop combo at :59..Love it!:D This video cheers me up so much! It is also my new go to video for explaining to people what a 'binky' is.

    1. I'm glad we were able to make you smile! Bunnies are such awesome pets and I'm glad I was lucky enough to capture and share how silly and cute they can be when they're happy. More people need to know that they have personalities just like dogs and cats do. Thank you for sharing Simon and River with the people you know! :)
