
Monday, November 18, 2013

Go, Simon, go!

It was cute--I captured River trying to teach Simon how to walk on the linoleum floor.  She patiently kept walking back and forth across it, then would stop and look at Simon as if asking him to follow her.  It's like she's saying, "You can do it!"
For those just joining us, here's the link to an earlier post about Simon being afraid of walking on slippery floors:  The bane of Simon's existence.
Simon decided to approach this new flooring from a different angle thinking that it would be easier to walk on from this direction.  Here, River is making her way back to the carpet as Simon army crawls his way forward.
Well, this is as far as he was willing to go this time.
Simon also learned that you can't try to turn quickly on a slippery floor because it makes you do a belly flop followed by a cartoon-style running in place maneuver until traction is attained and forward momentum is achieved.
The little guy is getting brave here and is attempting his new skill on the kitchen floor.  Still a bit shaky, but this is the first time he's tried walking on this type of floor since we moved in.  Oh yeah, here's a video of his achievement...


  1. Aww, congrats guys! It's always a joy when they learn a new skill all by themselves (let's not forget everyone cheering them on too) and the best part is watching them gain that confidence.

    1. Thanks! We're proud of the little guy--he's always been the cautious one and now he's starting to get braver as he's gotten older. Baby steps (or hops in his case). :)
