
Monday, November 4, 2013

Simon's great adventure.

Okay, I'll admit goofing up on this one because I removed the bottom basket in the shelf, allowing him access behind the entertainment center.  I was cleaning their cages when I noticed it was way too quiet for them not to be getting into trouble.  This is the sight that greeted me.
Simon and River inspect my makeshift bunny blockade.
Why am I not surprised that River was the first to breach my defenses?
River really is a bad influence on him.  He managed to sneak back there while I was relocating River.
Oh, access denied!
Simon kept boomeranging back to check and see if he could squeeze himself under the shelf or climb over the basket.  He was miffed about us humans not honoring the unspoken bunny rule that an area becomes theirs once they've stepped foot on it.

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