
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our bunnies are oat junkies.

The bunnies took it upon themselves to strip the oat container of its label.  I think they figured that the picture of oats on it would taste like actual oats...
They discovered that the photo was but a poor imitation of oat yumminess.  River looks a bit derpy in this pic while Simon looks personally insulted by this oat trickery.
He decided to go directly to the source and attempt to eat the lid off of the oat container.  This resulted in the container being placed out of reach and a scolding that plastic isn't good for bunnies...
Not to be deterred, he decided to knock the oat scoop onto the ground and lick it clean of any possible oat residue that ever dreamed of being on there.
River decided this was a great idea!  Simon is patiently waiting for seconds.
The oat scoop, being thoroughly coated in bunny hork, has now taken on a reflective sheen.  River appears to be scolding me for not giving them actual oats when it was clear that they wanted some.  Simon just looks depressed that he didn't get a second chance to lick the oat scoop.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.

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