
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hawaii or bust!

Unfortunately, River has no idea how expensive plane tickets are and that the human on TV has corporate backing.  I'm pretty sure that the airlines wouldn't accept bunny cuteness as payment.
Simon and River will just have to make do with bits of canned tropical fruit with their oats...and maybe one of those little umbrellas you put in tiki drinks.
Hmm...Nope, they're not buying it.
The bunnies informed me that I should add a PayPal link or create a Thumpstarter campaign so they can experience the real Hawaii (instead of this incredibly poor imitation).


  1. My buns won't stay still if there's food/treat in front of them. They'd check the cans too (to make sure there's no treat inside). I'm amazed of this "still photography" of River and Simon! Love it. ~Sylvia.

    1. Hi Sylvia! I pretty much noogied Simon and River into a coma to get this pic. It's amazing how much power a head/ear/cheek rub holds over these two! :)
