
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Simon and River didn't think that the chocolate Easter bunny looked like them so I had to come up with an alternative Easter gift.  They found the miniature versions of themselves acceptable (though they would've preferred statues to truly capture them in all of their bunny glory).
A close-up of the miniatures next to a dime.
I made them 1/12 scale.  The color is a bit different from Simon and River's actual fur due to them both going through a heavy shed right now.
I had to include this pic--I'm amazed that he stayed still long enough for me to stack all of these on him.  River made a game of this by coming over and nose-bonking the Easter eggs off of his back.
We hope you have a very Happy Easter and if you don't happen to celebrate this particular holiday, we hope you have a great Sunday!


  1. Those miniatures are amazing!

    1. Aww, thank you! They took about 25 hours each to do, but I'm pleased with how they turned out. :)
