
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How the world could end...

I was looking through old pictures and happened upon this skit I did of our old bunny, Penny in all of her disapproving glory.  Thought you guys might get a chuckle out of it.


  1. That's exactly how my Maggie thinks

    1. For all that's good and just in the world, give Maggie a treat and save us all!!! :)

  2. Oh thanks to you I found that bunnies like oats and now Maggie is super happy (for 5 minutes once a day) :)

    1. Yay! We've spread the oat goodness around! Well, the one that brings the oats gets "favorite human" status so I'm sure you'll be safe even if her disapproval reaches critical mass (I'm pretty sure they can focus it on selected targets). :)

      If you ever really need to apologize for something like a nail trim or vet visit, you can also put the oats on a tiny sliver of banana and create gourmet bunny crack. I've even seen Simon circle me and buzz when he saw me making that combo (he hasn't done either since we had him neutered if that gives you any indication how happy the little guy was).
