
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Looks can be deceiving.

Looking at Simon and River like this you'd never know that just 30 minutes prior they had a fight reminiscent of the OK Corral with tufts of bunny fur tumbling across the living room carpet and two little bunnies circling each other like a cat and dog fight in a cartoon.  Their impromptu rendition of a spaghetti western landed them both in bunny jail.
I then realized that it is really messed up when you're trying not to laugh while stopping a bunny fight because the scene is so comical that you can hardly take it seriously.  Honestly, all that was missing was the cheesy dramatic music!
As acting sheriff of the wild frontier that was our living room, I decided to pardon them.  They proceeded to make this heart-meltingly adorable apology to one another.
Why, bunnies?!  Why can't you just get along?! 

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