
Monday, December 8, 2014

Two buns on a mission.

To spread some bunny cuteness and leave your day a little brighter than it was before you visited!


  1. Multiple Binkies-in-place, moving Binkies, grooming, and a flop. Simon hit all of the requisite waypoints to get the highest score. Now it's time for the question-and-answer portion: "How would you address the issue of Banana lands being converted to Binky-free zones?"

    1. I'll let Simon J. Bun Esq. field this question. Simon says:

      If the Banana lands were converted to binky-free zones, it would be completely unenforceable due to it being physically impossible to contain the binkies when a bunny is in the presence of a banana. If the binky-free law were enforced, the entire bunny population would end up being in bunny jail and the Banana land economy would collapse due to a cuteness vacuum created by unhappy buns. Clearly, the answer is to repeal such a silly law.

  2. Simon is like the cutest bunny that ever lived. I love how he kept binkying right into/onto River, then would groom her a bit as if to apologize only to do it again immediately after. River is very tolerant!

    1. Aww, thanks! Simon is definitely our little cuddlebug and River is probably one of the most laid-back (and curious) bunnies we've ever had. It is funny how when either of them accidentally run into or binky-trample the other, they always apologize by giving a couple face licks to make sure the other is okay. Bunnies are nothing if not polite!
