
Friday, January 2, 2015

Bunny hopscotch.

River created a new game where she tosses the yellow cap then binkies over toys and other obstacles (like a lazy Simon bun) then nose bonks the yellow cap to finish.  I'm not sure how points are awarded, but at least the game is fun enough to keep her out of trouble.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.


  1. Dear River Bun,

    I tried to play that game too. Apparently hoomins should not binky especially over furniture. That is the first life lesson of 2015.


    An anonymous hoomin with a painful back.

    1. Dear Hoomin,

      Ah, an easy mistake for the uninitiated. You need to let the happiness flow through you, then let the binky take over! There's no room for conscious thought--just happiness made physical. Let this be your first hop on the road to bunny binky enlightenment...and stay away from the least until you've mastered the basics. Furniture binkies are intermediate/advanced level stuff. Hoomins have to crawl before they can hop (or something like that). :)


      River M. Bun
      Super Binky Life Coach Extraordinaire

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, I think she surprised Simon by binkying over the toys and then him--the little guy isn't used to being used as a game-piece. :)
