
Monday, March 9, 2015

Clever girl!

River made herself a hay mattress.
Near as I can figure, this is what she did:
1.  Pull out all of the blue cloth from the ziploc container and set it aside.
2.  Collect 90% of the hay in her cage and transfer it to the ziploc.
3.  Cover the hay with the blue pieces of cloth.
4.  ???
5.  Profit (way more comfy sleepy-time).
She was not a happy camper when I dismantled her creation.  I was worried she was nesting and I wanted to test to see if she'd do it again (as a spayed female, that's a cause for concern doing something outside of her normal behavior) and I didn't want her wasting all of her hay as bedding.  She hasn't had a repeat performance, so at least I know she's healthy and learns quickly.  

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