
Friday, May 15, 2015

Bunny shaming part deux.

River finally managed to open the oat container.  She tipped it over and then yanked the lid off of it.  When I found her, she was shoulder deep in oats and eating them as fast as she could.  Sneaky little bun!
This was taken shortly after I managed to pull River from the oat container and get a few handfuls of spilled oats back into it.
This pic really doesn't do the amount of mess she created justice because Simon is standing on top of most of it.
The sugar rush from this oat binge was epic as was the inevitable crash.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.

Click here if you want to see the first bunny shaming post.


  1. What type of oats do you feed the bunnies?

    1. Hi Jonathan!

      I give Simon and River old fashioned oats as a treat. I think rolled oats is another name for the same thing. I give them about half a teaspoon given that they're pretty small bunnies--River is 3 pounds, Simon is 4 pounds. Hope this helps! :)
