
Monday, December 28, 2015


I don't think even they know how they ended up like this.


  1. Dear Simon and River Bun,

    What a cute photo! I tried snorgling too! In my case it was snorkelling and gargling the salt water that came in. Well I quickly put an end to that activity and headed for the nearest refreshment stand. Mrs. Claus was none too happy with me leaving her out in the middle of the ocean to snorgle by herself. On the plus side, I have finally been able to say "una cerveza por favor" without sounding like I was chewing marbles.

    I am quickly running out of sunscreen. I have been troweling it on me like an overzealous bricklayer and have gone though 4 big tubes already. The elves are supposed to send me a candy cane flavored one in a few days via reindeer mail. Tomorrow, Mrs. Claus has us scheduled to go out for something she calls Kite boarding. I've flown kites before so I should think I can do that from a nice shady tree.

    Be good buns!



    1. Dear Santa,

      We bunnies aren't much for swimming, but we're pretty sure that if you're inhaling water, you're doing it wrong. Good idea to stick to the beach and treats are always a great idea! You're missing out on the banana daiquiris and carrotinis, though. You might need to find an interpreter bun or a friendly local bunny to help you out with the bartender.

      River said that she thinks kite surfing would be fun because she'd be up high (I disagree--all 4 paws on the ground is fine by me).

      Just remember, if all else fails and your shipment of sunscreen is late that air conditioning is like spf 5,000.

      Have a great rest of your vacation!

      Simon and River
