
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The hero our living room deserves.

We had a bit of late night drama recently.  I heard thumping, a food dish flipping over and one of the bunnies crashing into their litter box.  I went to investigate and found Simon with his eyes as wide as saucers staring at the entryway.  I looked over and saw a slug as long as the palm of my hand slowly making its way towards the carpet (no idea how it got inside).  Clearly, Simon was being a good little sentry and warning us of the danger of an uninvited garden guest.
Here I am showing him what he was so afraid of.
Simon was intrigued by Mr. Slug and attempted to give his new friend a nose-bonk (ever the polite little bun).  Fearing him getting slimed, I made a tactical retreat with our new guest and let him keep the paper he had claimed with his slug hork as a parting gift.


  1. Indoor slugs can be frightening. They are so stealthy and speedy. Good job buns!

    1. I was surprised at how quickly Mr. Slug could move because I always thought of them more like snails. In retrospect, lack of mobile housing would help with their speed. I passed on your kudos to Simon and he appreciated the noogie and treat in your honor! :)

  2. Awww, Simon bun! Yes it's another gentle creature, no doubt drawn in by your irresistable cuteness!

    1. Mr. Slug has visited a second time and I'm beginning to think he would like a job as a staff member for Simon's Presidential campaign. It would appear that the grass-roots movement is quite literal.

  3. Hahaha! The start of a beautiful friendship :)
