
Monday, August 1, 2016

Mischief Monday.

Simon attempted to be the voice of reason, but River was having none of it.  Danger Bun wanted to see if she could scale the lamp.  I assumed my super villain role and thwarted her efforts by scooping her up and plonking her back on the ground.  Mischief-maker managed! 


  1. Aww Danger Bun! You are too funny and cute. Love your lil butt and feetsies! Glad mama's there to make sure you're safe.

    1. River just isn't happy unless she's at the highest point in the room! No fear in that little bun. I'll give our little mischief maker a noogie for you! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear River S. Bun,

    I saw that!



    1. Dear Santa,

      Have you developed that hover-board that the humans have been talking about (for the last few decades) yet? If so, I'd like to place my order now.

      Love your loveable explorer,

    2. Dear River S. Bun,

      As a matter of fact the hoverboard just went into Quality Assurance testing the other day. From all the data that was forwarded to me by the head of testing the hover board works fantastically. It is able to achieve near perfect hover and reach heights of up to 150 feet. Unfortunately it also has a tendency to catch fire 6 inches off the ground which, I am told, is a really bad thing. Someone got the bright idea to "fix" the problem by making it 6 inches thick which only really meant the user is now standing on a burning 6 inch thick brick instead of a 1 inch thick plank.

      I am pleased to report that the Bunny Hork Hair Styling Gel (and as it turns out home insulation rated to R50) is almost ready for the market. We are just trying to figure out a way to get rid of all the fur.



    3. Hi Santa,

      Sorry about the late reply--blogger was being naughty with the spam folder and deserves a lump of coal.

      Hmm, well since riding a flaming hover-board is out, can I maybe get a wing suit...and a really tall ladder? I think I can steer with my ears well enough, but really need the suit for prolonged flight.

      That's great news about the styling gel! Maybe you won't even need to get rid of all the fur if you market it like those products with the micro-scrubbers or glitter. You're pretty creative, so I'm sure you'll think of something!

