
Monday, August 15, 2016

What a day!

River is done for the evening.  The poor little munchkin had to endure a full cage cleaning and having her nails trimmed.  She decided to show us exactly what she thought of our silly human hygiene standards by dramatically flopping in her favorite spot, affectionately known as her 'space ship' (a Ziploc container lined with cloth that prevents her from digging in her litter box).


  1. Awww she's soooo cute!! Don't you wish you could shrink yourself and snuggle up next to her!

    1. Hi Camelia!

      That would make for some epic bunny snuggles!

      I often wonder how such a little bunny sees the world. River is so little that she'll often sleep in there flopped on her side with room to spare (sometimes she gets under her little blanket all by herself). :)

  2. Wait, what's the ziplock and how does it prevent her from digging?!

    1. River is laying in the bottom portion of a clear plastic 10.5 inch (26.67cm)x 6.5 inch (16.51cm) container that is clipped to the sides of her litter box by two binder clips. It takes up just under half of the available litter box space, so she only has enough room to do her business and not try to turn her litter box into a play area/digging box.

      I've always chased her and Simon out of the litter boxes when they weren't actually using them for their intended purpose (didn't want them sleeping/playing in there and River staining her fur). This is really useful because now them hanging out in the litter area is a tell that they're having GI issues. River flopping in her 'space ship' is okay, but I think she thinks she's being sneaky since she knows that the litter area is not a play area. :)

  3. Wait, what's the ziplock and how does it prevent her from digging?!
