
Friday, October 28, 2016

We were told there'd be treats.

Hay is the opposite of treats!  (Simon and River are a bit impatient for trick-or-treat.)
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend.  We'll be back with bunnies in costumes on Monday!


  1. Hello Simon and River,

    I just wanted to say hi! I'm Helpful Elf. I was asked by the big rotund man that likes to wear velvet (I mean Santa not Elvis) to look in on you. Apparently he has been told to delegate more so I've been delegated on.

    Anyway, I hope you two are being good especially after that last episode of naughtiness. I'll do my best to get he-who-needs-a-tan to overlook it.

    Yours in 'nanas,

    Helpful Elf

  2. Hi Helpful Elf!

    We're glad you're able to post comments now. We'd also like you to relay to the Big Guy that we more than made up for our naughtiness with today's Halloween photo shoot, which the little human will post on Monday. We were super-duper good!

    Yours in 'nanas,

    Simon and River Bun
