
Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's 2017!

Just some bunny love and snuggles to help start your year off right!  We wish you all the joy and happiness 2017 can bring.


  1. Dear Simon Bun, River Bun, Crash Test Giraffe, and Hoomins,

    Santa asked me to look in on you since he, Mrs. Claus, Helpful Elf, and a bunch of sunscreen are on vacation.

    Santa is a good friend of mine. We went to school together and were in the same basic training group before we got our individual assignments. Naturally, as this is my time of the year (he officially handed things off to me yesterday) I wanted to look in on you and say hi. I am the managing director of 2017 and anything I see gets reported to the proper department head so I encourage you to be good buns, eat plenty of hay, have plenty of binkies and noogies!

    Be good to the hoomins who I am sure will give you plenty of treats, toys, and noogies in exchange.


    Father Time

  2. Dear Father Time,

    It's nice to meet you! We're glad that you're helping Santa get some much needed time off. We will do our best to be good little buns! Our New Year's resolution is to not scare the little human with us having tummy troubles (or have to take yucky medicine because of it).

    Simon and River Bun

  3. Happy New Year cute fluffy ones! May it be filled with health and binkiness!

  4. Aww, thanks Camelia! I gave Simon and River New Year's noogies for you. :)
