
Monday, March 13, 2017

Science is fun!

Simon is performing an experiment to see if happiness is contagious.
His happiness dispersal technique consists of having me post a photo of one of his more epic binkies captured during playtime.  He considers a smile/grin, a laugh/chuckle/happy noise or warm and fuzzy feelings to be a positive result.  So far, with a sample size of 2, his research looks promising!


  1. Dear Simon,
    Your epic binkie gave me the warm fuzzies and left me smiling at your acrobatics. Thank you for that!

  2. Yay! 3 positive results and counting. :)

    Respectfully yours,

    Simon J. Bun
    Lead Hoppiness Researcher

  3. "Wwwaaaauuu!!!"
    This happy noise counts as the 4th positive result :)

  4. Brought a big grin to my face :).

  5. Hooray! 5 positive results and counting. Thanks for volunteering to be included in my study Camaleao and Camelia! I hope to use this to foster world peace if we can spread the happiness on a truly global scale. :)

    Respectfully yours,

    Simon J. Bun
    Lead Hoppiness Researcher
