
Friday, April 28, 2017

Bunny couch chaos!

Simon and River prove that there are no rules on the Autobun but to go as fast as possible.
(The video has no sound so feel free to play this whenever you need a bunny pick-me-up.)
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. Dear Simon J. Bun and River S. Bun,

    It has been brought to my attention that you have been acting on the very edge of naughtiness by speeding on the autobun and playing couch darts. I felt it necessary to address this personally and take time out from supervising Research and Development on a new Banana that dissolves ingested fur to help prevent tummy problems.

    This situation was brought to my attention since you were clocked by Hare Force satellites going as fast as supersonic harecraft. This is a very very serious situation that I have referred it to the Coal Committee for a decision. I have already heard calls of "not even a lump of coal!" from some members! I hope you can show that going forward you two are behaving very very well so the committee decides in your favor.



    p.s. Simon, Helpful Elf told me he saw your photo being used on Instagram! I don't know if the person is your humom or if it is someone else though.

  2. Dear Santa,

    We're sorry we distracted you from your very promising (and yummy) sounding research.

    River would like to point out that 'the very edge of naughtiness' is not naughtiness, so the members who said we should not even get a lump of coal are being mean, which is naughty so they shouldn't even get a lump of coal either. I tried to tell her not to antagonize the members of the Coal Committee, but she's adamant about this point (which I admit has merit). I advised her to keep her opinions to herself, but being Alpha Bun there was no dissuading her from also saying (in not so many words) that coal is environmentally unfriendly and smelly when burned and that Big Coal was trying to stifle her research into a clean energy bunny-powered turbine.

    We'd also like to say that it's pretty cool that we went supersonic! Is there a bunny land-speed record in Guinness Book or something that we are now holders of since the Hare Force info should be considered official?


    Simon and River
    Good little bunnies that deserve presents!

    p.s. Please thank Helpful Elf for the head's-up. The little human doesn't have an Instagram account, so we aren't sure who used Simon's photo.
