
Monday, July 17, 2017

The look of betrayal.

How could you just pick us up and clip our nails?! [both hide their feet and shame us for our misdeeds]  Now we're going to smell like human for a week.


  1. poor babies, look how Simon prptects River's foot from those nasty nail clippers. Clipping their nails must be such a challenge!

  2. Hi Mónica!

    They definitely know something's up when we start gathering the supplies (clippers, corn starch in case of cutting the quick, their towels and a baggie of their favorite treats). Usually they'll make a bee-line for their cages and refuse to come out. I play the role of bunny wrangler/catcher and holder while the big human does the clipping. At least they've gotten to the point of accepting treats right after the clipping instead of flipping the treats onto the floor and flicky-footing away to sulk for the rest of the day while giving us both bunny butt. We'll take what progress we can get! :)

  3. Oh no, the betrayal! Bad hoomins, bad! This is why bunnies never totally trust us...

  4. Hi Camelia!

    It is kind of funny that they're so pampered that a nail trim is the absolute worst thing that's ever happened to them on a routine basis (barring the need for medicine). We wonder if they just forget between trims and it's new drama each time or if smelling like human and having their tootsies touched is really that bad. We may never know...
