
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The magic box!

Our little eclipse buns were super jazzed about using the deluxe camera obscura I made.  I think I used all of the tape.  I made the triangular overhang so I could take pics in there.
One of the pics from the 'magic box' where you can see some clouds being illuminated.  We weren't in the zone of totality.  The clouds LOL'd at us pretty hard and blocked our view at exactly the peak of the eclipse.  Overall, a really neat experience!


  1. At least you got to see more than we did, in Spain it was so brief that we barely noticed there was an eclipse

  2. Hi Mónica!

    We really lucked out to be able to see as much as we did here given the cloud cover and chance of scattered thunderstorms. You'll have to be ready for Aug 12, 2026 and Aug 2, 2027 where Spain gets total solar eclipses! :)
