
Monday, September 25, 2017

Heck no, we won't go!

Hey, Simon--If we don't let the little human have our purple towels and toys, playtime will last forever!  [binkies off to play on the couch]
I am Simon J. Bun, lone Protector of Playtime.  The fun ends when I say it does.
All I can say is that it's a good thing that the Protector of Playtime is susceptible to bribery with treats.


  1. Look how smart she is! She goes off to play and leaves Simon to do all the work. That was not very nice, River.

  2. Hi Mónica!

    River is a super sneaky little munchkin. It's a good thing she is Simon's sun and stars because I don't think many other buns would humor her like he does. :)
