
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Why's it always me?

I think you should be asking what Simon is up to instead of
what I'm doing to your shoes.
River forgets that Simon is not good at distractions because he will look worried and give the plan away before any mischief can be managed.


  1. Do you let them go outside ? Maybe leash or metal fence could be set-up in a local park if you do not have access to a garden. I would love to see a video of these naughty buns in new surroundings!

    All the best!

  2. Simon is so worried he'll get caught! Meanwhile River is doing her bunny shennanigans to the shoes!

  3. Hi Anon and Mónica!

    No, we can't really let them outside to play because we have a lot of hawks and people who let their dogs run off-leash in the area. If we move to a safer area, I'll definitely try to get some video of them exploring the great outdoors!

    Sometimes I think Simon is the conscience of them both while River probably took all of the fearlessness of her 5 litter-mates. Bunny superpowers, man! :)

  4. I get what you are saying about dogs. I once went and saw a group (let's be accurate a herd!) of wild bunnies here in a local field where they all hang about (you practically trip over them there are so many). Some crazy person let their dog off the leash and it went around barking at all the bunnies and terrifying them. After sufficient terror-making, the dog left of its own accord.

  5. Hi Anon!

    Oh, yikes! Yeah, you never know what some people will do to amuse themselves. Definitely not worth the risk.
