
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A minor meltdown.

I saw you put our ice cube in here a while ago, so why is there only water in here now?!
It would seem there's a bit of a knowledge gap in the bunnies' science education concerning changes of state.


  1. She's so confused, she will have to go into full detective mode to know why that happened.

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Yeah, she kinda looked at me as though I was responsible for the ice cube's disappearance. I am now not to be trusted with their new friends/toys.

  3. Dear River,

    I will send you fresh undiluted ice from the South Pole. It may take awhile to get there since there is no delivery service here. The Amalgamated Union of Sleigh Pullers (like there's more than one of them!) refuse to do an off-season delivery so I'll have to find a way to get it to you.

    Be nice to the hoomins, give Simon a kiss and a noogie for me!

    Hoomins please give River and Simon plenty of noogies for me!



    p.s. Mrs Claus said next year we're going to Botswana for Vacation. I looked into Botswana and there's no minus sign in front of their weather forecasts. This is very worrisome!!! Please direct any suggestions, requests, etc to Mrs Claus and please try to convince her to go to Norway instead.

  4. Hi Santa!

    Hooray for super special international ice! We saw glaciers on TV and they are neat because they are blue.

    Lots of kisses have been given and received. The big and little humans have given us adequate noogies...they need to work on their treat allocation, though. We'll mark that down as a 'needs improvement' on this quarter's performance review.

    Maybe you can trick Mrs. Claus into going to Greenland for the holidays. It worked for the settlers, right?!


    River M. Bun
    Intrepid explorer, sometime campaign manager, always doin' my own thing.
