
Monday, January 8, 2018

In search of 'up'.

River's on a quest to find a better vantage point to survey her kingdom.  The couch is simply not 'up' enough.


  1. Over there River!On the back of the couch!

  2. Don't let her watch the movie Up, otherwise she'll buy helium & balloons off Amazon & your house will float away.

  3. Do they make bunny towers like they do for cats? hee-hee

  4. Hi Mónica, Brian, and Reuben!

    River has been scolded multiple times for being a daredevil by hopping up on the back of the couch and proceeding to stand on her tippy-toes (for a better view), losing her balance and performing a 'trust fall' with me as the designated catcher and hugger. I think she knows now that any back of the couch shenanigans is an insta-time-out.

    Oh, man--mental note to never have her see that movie. She would probably love being in a hot air balloon because the noise of the burner wouldn't bother her and she could really see for miles and miles! As it is, I have my hands full trying to keep her from attempting to scale the bookshelf.

    You know, every time I see those 6 foot tall cat trees at the pet store, I imagine River sitting on the top perch taunting me that play time is over when she says it is...or just as soon as I drag a chair over so I could reach her.
