
Friday, February 16, 2018

Change starts with you.

Our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.  We wish the injured a full and quick recovery and want to thank the first responders and everyone who helped others in their time of greatest need.
It is way past time for our government representatives to actually openly discuss the problem of a serious lack of mental health care for those who need it and gun regulations in this country.  Any politician who isn't part of the discussion is part of the problem.  Ignoring a problem will not fix it.  Please contact your representatives about these issues and tell them what you want done.


  1. This is horrible, if I could do anything I would, seriously this gun control has to be discussed. How many more people have to die for politicians to do anything about it?

  2. Hi Mónica.

    It really is. There is just way too much money in politics here and the gun lobby is huge and intentionally muddies the waters with scare tactics like saying that those favoring stronger and well-enforced regulations/mandatory firearms training will take people's guns away (which will never happen because it's a right protected by our Constitution). It happens after every mass shooting and at every election.

    I truly hope those reading the blog will contact their representatives and become part of the discussion. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for the steps they take or choose not to take in solving this problem.
