
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Pyrrhic victory.

"But I was here first!"
Yes, and how's that working out for you?  Stubbornness, thy name is bun.


  1. Simon bun! Where's your face??? It looks like River has flopped on him XD

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Yeah, River really went all in and just draped herself completely over his head. I'm amazed the little dude could breathe like that. That can't have been comfortable for her either with his skull pressed into her rib-cage. Stubborn little buns!

  3. And meanwhile, Mr. Giraffe has the other side of the room all to himself. xD

  4. Hi Anon!

    Yup, he's managed to claim their favorite flopping spot while they were bickering. This could be a teachable moment for the two, but with bunny stubbornness, I'm not going to be holding my breath on that one.
