
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

One for the road!

I caught Simon and River sharing a snorgle before our road trip.  It's a good thing they filled up before we left because there aren't many bunny snuggle opportunities on a 5 hour drive.


  1. Good job buns. You will have enough kisses for your journey. Do they behave when they are in the car? mine used to get so nervous I have to stay with him the entire journey.

  2. How did we ever survive a week without these buns?

  3. Hi Mónica and Anon!

    Simon and River are very good at traveling. The hardest thing is to get them into their travel cages after their breakfast and morning playtime. River takes direction better than Simon, who I usually have to corner and nudge him to go in (at least they eat the treats I offer, so it isn't all bad). During the trip, they mostly play with their baby keys, dig at the floor for a bit, or nap. I've never seen them eat on the car ride, so that's why we always feed them a few hours before we leave. They get more playtime once we get to our destination while I set up their 'vacation homes'.

    Aww, I hope this week's posts help make up for our absence! :)
